Simple Machine

1. Law of Lever
2. Screw, Wedge and Inclined Plane
3. Pulley
4. Wheel and Axle


1. Catapults
2. Newton’s Laws of Motion
3. Forces and Friction of Rocket
4. Linear momentum

Work, Energy and Power

1. Motor 2. Solar Power 3. Windmill 4. Simple Pendulum 5. Ke - Pe Track

Fluid Mechanics

1. Viscosity
2. Fluid Power
3. Buoyancy
4. Buoyancy


1. Sound and Sound Vibrations
2. String Telephones
3. Electric Guitar for making music
4. Pitch and Frequency
5. Earthquakes


1. Magnetic Field
2. Electromagnet
3. Motors
4. Sound of planets


1. Heat, Work and Temperature
2. Heat and its Relation to Energy
3. Radiations and Rays
4. Physical Properties of Matter


1. Electrical and Electronics
2. Batteries
3. Circuits and Switches
4. Conductivity and Non Conductivity

Simple Machine

1. Law of Lever
2. Screw, Wedge and Inclined Plane
3. Pulley
4. Wheel and Axle

Motion 01 01 scaled


1. Catapults
2. Newton’s Laws of Motion
3. Forces and Friction of Rocket
4. Linear momentum



1. Sound and Sound Vibrations
2. String Telephones
3. Electric Guitar for making music
4. Pitch and Frequency
5. Earthquakes

Magnetism 01 scaled


1. Magnetic Field
2. Electromagnet
3. Motors
4. Sound of planets

thermodaynamics 01 scaled


1. Heat, Work and Temperature
2. Heat and its Relation to Energy
3. Radiations and Rays
4. Physical Properties of Matter

eLECTRICITY 01 scaled


1. Electrical and Electronics
2. Batteries
3. Circuits and Switches
4. Conductivity and Non Conductivity